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Their 'Magic Internet Money' Side Hustle Just Hit $1 Billion in Sales: 'We'd Empty 6 Figures of Cash Onto the Counter. The Bank Teller's Expressions Were Priceless.'

Inspired by the concept of decentralized money, Neil Bergquist and Michael Smyer came up with a lucrative idea they believed "would nearly run" itself.

Their 'Magic Internet Money' Side Hustle Just Hit $1 Billion in Sales: 'We'd Empty 6 Figures of Cash Onto the Counter. The Bank Teller's Expressions Were Priceless.'
Their 'Magic Internet Money' Side Hustle Just Hit $1 Billion in Sales: 'We'd Empty 6 Figures of Cash Onto the Counter. The Bank Teller's Expressions Were Priceless.'Inspired by the concept of decentralized money, Neil Bergquist and Michael Smyer came up with a lucrative idea they believed "would nearly run" itself.

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